quarta-feira, 8 de julho de 2009

Cientistas no Facebook

Os cientistas ao palco não são os únicos a usarem as novas tecnologias para se mostrarem e multiplicarem aos olhos do mundo.

Há vários grupos muito interessantes a visitar nessa plataforma social; desde logo o Top 10 reasons why you should date a Scientist! A saber:

10 - The world revolves around Scientists, we know how everything works!

9 - We are over-exposed to latex and have become very tolerable

8 - We are "Oh so smart" you'll never be mentally bored with us... So you wanna know why your poo is brown?

7 - All this thinking we do is terribly draining, so we like to be physically challenged & EXPERIMENT too!

6 - There's no need to see a doctor when you're with us, we've seen & tested just about every bacterial disease there is!

5 - We're physiologically knowledgeable, if you're unhappy about a physical feature, we can Genetically Modify YOU

4 - We can hook you up with all the essential party goods... dry ice, Eppie bombs and a shit load of combustible materials. What more could you want?

3 - We look extremely cute in our white lab coats, especially when we wear nothing underneath

2 - You will sound just as smart as us if you say you're dating a Scientist!

1 - Because if you leave us, we'll willingly use you as a lab rat & inject a virus in you

Há também o We're scientists and we're sexy, já com 17.283 membros (não sabemos se todos cientistas sexys ou pessoas que acreditam ser possível encontrá-los e na internet, mas já temos um agente em campo e prometemos notícias em breve).

Interessante descobrir o We look so sexy in our labcoats, we need goggles... for protection, com mais de 24 mil membros - o que deixou felizes os produtores e distribuidores de óculos de protecção.

Não deixem de passar no informativo You know you've worked too long in a lab when, que tem uma listagem de já 84 itens que permitem fazer o diagnóstico - este conta quase com 40 mil membros.

Gostaríamos de salientar o sintoma nº11: When a non-scientist asks you what you do for a living you roll your eyes and talk science at them until they've loss the will to live (mainly for fun). Garantimos que nenhum dos participantes da Noite dos Investigadores sofre deste problema, e que ninguém, repito ninguém, corre perigo de vida no dia 25 de Setembro.

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